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Safety Information

Be Prepared this September!

National Preparedness Month encourages and reminds everyone to be prepared for disasters or emergencies in their homes, businesses, and communities. In our community we have to be prepared for various incidents including: wildfires, flooding, and heavy snow. is a great resource for making a plan and becoming year round ready for the disasters and emergencies that might occur in our area. 

How to Report an Emergency

  • Call or text 9-1-1. When calling 9-1-1 the dispatcher will ask for your location and what the emegency is, it is important to speak clearly and answer the dispatcher's questions to the best of your ability.
  • For matters that are not an emergency Archuleta County Combined Dispatches, non emergency number is 970-731-2160.

Sparky the Fire Dog

Join Sparky in some fire safety fun at!

To take the Fire Safety Pledge click here!

Making a Home Fire Escape Plan

The Science of Fire