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Date: May 25, 2021
Information Release –Structure Fire
On May 23, 2021 at approx. 4:03 p.m. a chimney fire was reported in the 5000 block of East Highway 160. The notification was received through the 911 system managed by Archuleta County Combined Dispatch center.
Upon arrival, the first due officer completed a scene size up noting a single-family dwelling with smoke showing from the chimney and the interior of the residence. The first arriving engine company’s investigation led to the discovery smoldering insulation in the attic. Firefighters extinguished the smoldering material and removed it. Further overhaul revealed charred wood in the area close to a chimney. The entire area was ventilated and checked for additional fire extension.
PFPD responded with one engine, two tenders, two chief cars, six paid staff members, and four volunteers.
PFPD was on scene for approx. one hour and fifteen minutes.
There are no firefighter or civilian injuries to report. The origin and cause of the fire is under investigation at this time.
Check our Facebook page, Pagosa Fire Protection District, for crew updates and pictures.
Submitted by: Pagosa Fire Protection District Public Information Division
Approved: Randy Larson, Fire Chief